包容、多样性 & 股本

There is a business and a moral case for diversity and equity, which is why we support our members in creating more inclusive work cultures



在IAB, we have worked with our members to develop a showcase of standout initiatives that are driving greater inclusivity and environmental sustainability in the digital advertising industry.

通过分享想法和灵感, 我们希望建立一个更好的, more equitable industry that appeals to diverse talent and inspires positive change.


In line with our mission to build a sustainable future for digital advertising, IAB负责包容, 多元化和公平小组的成员, 彩乐园dsn,了解更多信息.



留住女性人才 & 重塑工作文化

Nicola Kemp joins the 播客 to discuss the advantages of embracing flexible working and retaining and helping women to thrive in the ad industry



This episode spans the competitive advantage of having midlife women in your workforce and building confidence in their own skills



In an special episode recorded during Ramadan, learn the importance of conversations with the people you're trying to speak to

All In标志


We are proud to be recognised as an All In Champion, which means that we’ve taken the first six actions of the All In plan to build a more inclusive advertising industry. All In was created by the Advertising Association, IPA and ISBA to build a workplace where everyone feels they belong.


An Introduction to Digital Display Advertising

专为较小的, niche media owners serving under-represented audiences, this guide breaks down the essential components of digital display advertising - from the different formats available to measurement strategy considerations. Without a specialist team, navigating digital display campaigns can be challenging. 帮助, we’ve created a concise guide to digital display supporting diversity in the digital media supply chain


Supporting BRiM: Black Representation in Marketing

We’re proud to be part of the advisory group on this important cross-industry initiative to improve the representation of black people in marketing. BRiM provides actionable advice to help anyone, 无论他们的水平如何, improve the representation of black people in marketing. Access the BRiM Framework on the Advertising Association’s website.


Every manager and employee will experience inclusion and diversity challenges or scenarios in their time. We have pooled the experience and advice from our Advisory Group to share with the wider industry. 结果是我们的 包容、多元化和公平小组&,“指南”,简单的单页纸 that shorthand our learnings so you can save time and get on with making a difference.



Supporting inclusion with more dynamic working arrangements that motivate and improve well-being.



Hiring people with different perspectives creates better advertising to appeal to our diverse audience.



Helping your people transition back to work after any type of extended leave.

Members chatting at IAB Leadership Summit


When your workforce is all around the same age and lacks the benefits of multi-generational diversity.



Make sure the ”+ community feels free to be themselves and never feels excluded.



大约15%的人是ND, there’s a massive pool of untapped talent waiting to be set free.


Check out the guest speakers who have challenged and inspired our thinking about diversity and inclusion



Looking for information and support on inclusion, diversity and equity? 寻找人才和导师计划, consultants and sector specific initiatives who can help your company on their journey.



The digital skills gap and hiring diverse and representative people continue to be challenges for the industry. So we spoke to people starting their careers and those at the top of their game to get tips and advice to help 16-18 year olds get into digital. With or without a university degree and with or without any experience, Get into Digital will help people get clued up on how to create a great CV, what they can learn from home and find out about the best places to work.

Rediscover the joy of digital advertising

支持连接而不是点击. Capture audiences' imaginations, not just their attention. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. It’s time to rediscover the joy of digital.